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Since 1990, the B. David Company has partnered with the United States Foreign Service, developing potable water solutions for their international housing units. These products provide safe and clean water for either an entire home, including the kitchen, bathroom(s), and laundry, or single-source solutions for a kitchen sink. We also provide world-class mosquito netting to many of the most challenging regions of the world.


First, B. David Company will help you with the testing protocol, working with established guidelines, to determine the base-line quality and condition of your water. What are your general and observable conditions such as taste, odor, and color? Do you have a current water analysis? Is there current water treatment equipment? If so, can you provide specifics?

Once we have a definitive assessment of your water quality, we will discuss your preferred method of water treatment – POE (whole-house) or POU (single-sink) system. Additional pre or post filtration options will be addressed if necessary.

As part of the evaluation process, we will ship a sample to your post at no cost, for real-world onsite testing.

Once approved by post management, we then assemble your water purification system at a United States based EPA inspected facility. Your order is then shipped through the U.S. Dispatch agency, or by airfreight directly to the nearest airport closest to your location. Post will take possession of the product at the airport and clear customs.

We are always available to answer any questions you may have or provide technical support seven days per week.

We are pleased to supply you with the names, locations, and contact information of current system users.